Hmm, I'll have to investigate.
I *don't* get it when I have it set up with the HTML in the resourses folder.

- Brill Pappin
  Sent from my mobile.

On 22-Mar-09, at 1:58 PM, Igor Vaynberg <> wrote:

if you get this error then you are screwed whether the markup fles are
in src/main/java or src/main/resources because they are both
configured as classpath folders in eclipse.

anyways, im using the latest 3.4 and dont have this problem.


On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 10:04 AM, Brill Pappin <> wrote:
I get the HTML editor as well but I also get some dialog popping up when I
load the HTML from the src.

I just updates to the latest this morning, so maybe there is something new.

- Brill Pappin
 Sent from my mobile.

On 22-Mar-09, at 12:38 PM, John Krasnay <> wrote:

Works fine for me without any special configuration. I use the Eclipse
JEE version and HTML files come up in the HTML Editor.

Check which editor is associated with *.html files under Window >
Preferences, then under General/Editors/File Associations.

Eclipse remembers the last editor you used to open a particular file, so you might have to right-click the file in Package Explorer and select
Open With > HTML Editor.


On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 12:24:38PM -0400, Brill Pappin wrote:

So eclipse is having trouble with the html extension files in the java
source directory.

I set up a demo for Wicket Skunkworks to demo the components we're
working on, and I used the "standard wicket pattern" of putting the
html alongside the java in order to make things clearer to how must
people expect to see a wicket project, however Eclipse is complaining every time I open an HTML resource saying that its expecting a source

  An error has occurred. See error log for more details.
  Compilation unit name must end with .java, or one of the
registered Java-like extensions

Aside form registering an HTML extension as a compilation unit, does
anyone know how to resolve this annoying issue?

This is the first time I have run across it because up until now I
have kept my resources in src/main/resources.

- Brill

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