
We're running wicket 1.4m2 on liferay 5.2.x and that's working fine. We only use the sun portlet container instead of the one from Liferay. Search the mailinglist and the liferay forum for the steps which you'll have to perform.


On 4/21/09 4:45 AM, Tonio Caputo wrote:

I've tried with liferay 5.2.2 tomcat6/tomcat55/jetty6.1.14, and no success.

In both tomcat, application is deployed, but when put into a page, the
is not shown.

In jetty, the application doesn't get deployed.

In all cases there is no log, or any message that let me know what is

Any help will be greatly welcome
Wicket is really a nice framework (the nicer I've seen), and it would be
wonderful if I can use it instead JSP framework provided by liferay.

Thanks in advance

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Tonio Caputo<ton...@exeo.com.ar>  wrote:

Hi wicket users,

I'm a newbie in wicket and portlets, I'm involved in trying to find a
web framework to create portlets in a liferay portal, my duty is to
try wicket and see if it works.

Versions   wicket 1-4-rc2
                  liferay 5.2

After reading  Issue https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-1620, it
seems clear
that this is possible.

Reading wicket portlet examples, I realized there is a lot of stuff in
WicketPortlet, that
is a bit difficult to understand for a newbie for both things

I'll just like to know, if this is the correct example after WICKET-1620,
or perhaps there
is a simpler one.

Thanks in advance

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