We use Wicket 1.3.5 and I found something annoying with the DateTextField.
In the constructor of that class, the converter is created internally.
If I want to use my own converter, I need to inherit DateTextField, add a
converter as a member, and return it in the getConverter method.

Why not have a protected method (that can be overridden) that returns the
Instead of:
    public DateTextField(String id, IModel model, String datePattern)
        super(id, model, Date.class);
        this.datePattern = datePattern;
        *this.converter = new DateConverter()
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

             * @see
            public DateFormat getDateFormat(Locale locale)
                return new SimpleDateFormat(DateTextField.this.datePattern);

Do something like:
    public DateTextField(String id, IModel model, String datePattern)
        super(id, model, Date.class);
        this.datePattern = datePattern;
        *this.converter = newDateConverter();*

protected newDateConverter() {
     return new DateConverter()
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

             * @see
            public DateFormat getDateFormat(Locale locale)
                return new SimpleDateFormat(DateTextField.this.datePattern);

BTW, I know that we can also use the newConverterLocator() in our

Do you think I should open a JIRA issue with 'wish' for that?

Eyal Golan

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