Hi all,

I have recently upgraded my application to wicket 1.4-rc5, and now I have some troubles with the localization. With the previous 1.3.6 release I was capable to restrict a localization message for a validation to only one wicket id e.g. :

in foobar.java
RequiredTextField nameTF = new RequiredTextField("name");
nameTF.add(StringValidator.lengthBetween(2, 255));
nameTF.add(new PatternValidator("[^|:]*"));

and in foobar.properties
name.Required=some text
name.StringValidator.range=some other text
name.PatternValidator=some other text again

So, like this I could have to create an another RequiredTextField named "password", and attach to it a different localization message (for example "password.Required=blabla").

But somehow with the 1.4-rc5 it looks like that this function is broken, it only recognizes the localization text, when I remove the "name." prefix from my property.

I already checked the localization wikipage ( http://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/everything-about-wicket-internationalization.html ) and the examples, but I didn't found anything about this.
What am I missing here?


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