You can actually configure the tags that are put around a disabled link at application level, like this:

getMarkupSettings().setDefaultBeforeDisabledLink( "" );
getMarkupSettings().setDefaultAfterDisabledLink( "" );

This would give <span>*linktext*</span> for disabled lnks (such as an autolink to the current page).

Matthias Keller wrote:

I'm creating a new website with wicket which should have a normal navigation bar. I'd like to be able to detect whether a link points to the current page to give the surrounding <div> a special class.
For example on page1:
<div class="activeLink">
   <a href="page1">page1</a>
   <a href="page2">page2</a>

I thought about autolinking which does that automatically, except it adds very ugly <span><em> tags. I also don't want to change this globally just to have a nicer navigation autolinking going. In addition this would be tricky as I need the <div>s around the links, but with different CSS classes.

I'm thinking about creating a panel (representing the <div> with the link) which then adds the link and which has to be created by giving the current page via the constructor in order for it to find out if the link represents the current page. But this seems to be very complicated so I think there must be a more elegant solution for that, as this requirement surely isn't anything new....?!

Thanks for your hints


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