Take a look at brix cms components, and possibly elephas for inspiration...


On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Kent Larsson<kent.lars...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've used Wordpress for some blogging, but I've never really felt
> comfortable with it.
> I'd like to create something myself, for my own personal use to begin
> with (but there is no reason for me not to make it free (as in
> speech). Some thoughts:
> - Plugins could be created using Wicket
> - I need some way for users to create templates. Now that I think
> about it maybe the "template system" could simply be normal HTML-pages
> with Wicket markup?
> I'm simply looking for some feedback. Does it sound like Wicket is the
> tool to go with? (For me it does.) Do you have any suggestions on
> things to think about from the beginning when creating something like
> this? Is there something like this already?
> To start with I'll create something for me. But it's always good to
> get some input and maybe it'll help me turn the project in the right
> direction from the beginning.
> Best regards, Kent
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