use setStyle()  and different styles for property files. That means
you should have 2 files:


On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Arie Fishler<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Assuming that I am localizing to a language that has different text required
> for male and female is there a generic way for hadling that. This is of
> course based on the fact that I can provide a user object that contains that
> property (if the user is a male or female)
> I can think of a convention that will add to all resource file keys a
> .female extension to handle female text if required and wrap the
> ResourceModel with an object that will get the user. Using the gender
> property of the user it will manipulate the key to add the .female extension
> if required, check if the female text exist at all (and if no default to the
> no extension version) etc.
> This may work. Are there any other suggestions? What about the
> wicket:message markup that goes directly to the resource do I
> handle that? (I have lots of markup already so changing all of it to labels
> is not the easiest way)
> Thanks,
> Arie

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