2009/9/30 Igor Vaynberg <igor.vaynb...@gmail.com>:
> there is really no point in having your tasks be components. why not simply
> repeatingview rv=..
> for (task t:tasks) {
>  if (t.hasUIComponent()) {
>     rv.add(t.getUIComponent());
>  }
> }
> -igor

Although only one task panel is ever drawn at the time, that is
broadly similar to how I have it set up at the moment.  If a task is
also a panel, it can elect to have itself displayed, at which point it
will be embedded in the page and no stack processing will happen until
the panel says it is complete.  Any other type of task simply doesn't
have the option to display, although it may spawn a panel task, which
may ask to be displayed, and so on.

The issue is that business logic should really always be in non-UI
tasks for things I have in mind, which lack things like easily being
able to call this.error(...).  I believe you are right about not
forcing the issue, so I'm currently thinking I will have to step up
the infrastructure to add things like error reporting.  Fortunately I
can just delegate to Wicket pretty quickly, so shouldn't be too much
extra code.


> On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Phil Housley <undeconstruc...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I'm currently working on some ideas for building apps with fairly
>> complex workflows.  My aim is to find a nice pattern/framework for
>> building apps where each unit of work involves many panels, several
>> forms, lots of decisions and so on.  In particular I'm aiming at apps
>> where you need to be very confident about exactly what is happening,
>> so very strict control of actions, being careful of multiple
>> renderings of a page each trying to change the server data, and so on.
>>  Also, I'm wondering about some options for declarative building of
>> workflows out of existing tasks.
>> My current design involves running from a special page, which
>> maintains a stack of tasks.  One type of task is a Workflow, which can
>> be configured to automatically spawn subtasks as required, based on
>> the result of previous tasks.  Another type of task is based on a
>> panel, and is able to cause itself to be rendered.  The stack
>> processor makes sure that each task is invoked at the right time, that
>> a task can render if it is at the top of the stack, that only the top
>> of the stack can be invoked from a form and so on.
>> This is working ok for some silly demo cases, but there are various
>> issues.  For example, any task that is not also a component cannot
>> access dependency injection, or set error messages and so on.  I'm not
>> sure how to get around this at the moment, as I don't want to force
>> every task to be a component, when many will likely have no cause to
>> ever be rendered.
>> So, the reason I'm posting is to ask mainly two things:
>> 1) Is this of interest to anyone else?  All the code is my own, so
>> I'll open source it if there seems to be some future in it.
>> 2) If so, does anyone have any comments on my current design?  Clearly
>> there are problems with it, but should I carry on trying to find ways
>> to work around them, or does the whole thing sounds like so much
>> crack?
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Phil Housley

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