Guice / warp persist and dynamic finders + wicket are a killer combo:)

2009/10/5 James Perry <>

> Well you can use your business logic objects inside Wicket but you have to
> ensure that you you hold one, and only one, instance for each business
> object (assuming these objects are stateless) and that you do not
> accidentally serialize these objects and their dependencies within your
> Wicket pages.
> If you don't want to use Spring, have a look at Google Guice - which is a
> very simple, elegant yet powerful DI framework. Wicket provides support for
> Guice so you don't have to worry about accidental serialization. Once you
> have got to grips with Wicket and Guice then you can get really creative to
> enable Guice to inject Wicket components in your Wicket application.
> Cheers,
> James.
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Jeffrey Schneller <
>> wrote:
> > I looked into the wicket London presentation/code and and
> > it all makes sense but it looks like then my wicket forms/components are
> > tied directly to the database.  When I submit a form then the data is
> > persisted but I don't want this.   I want to be able to call the data
> > layer to retrieve data or to persist data and not care that a form is
> > tied to it or not.  I also need to be able to get data to populate lists
> > or tables on a page.
> >
> > I currently have my project set up like:
> >
> > Data objects - POJOs to hold data that comes from or will be persisted
> > to the db
> > Data Access Objects - objects to get and persistent data using hibernate
> > using the data objects
> > Business Logic - helper classes to access the data access objects if
> > additional logic needs to be performed before persisting to the db.
> > Wicket Pages - all my wicket pages.  The pages call the data access
> > objects to retrieve data to display on pages and forms.  The pages also
> > handle the form submits and call the Data Access Objects to persistent
> > to the db.  In some cases I call the Business Logic layer to do the
> > persistence.
> >
> > In the end I have data layer which I can re-use.  The business logic
> > layer which I can change as needed.  Then the wicket pages which once
> > they work I shouldn't need to touch if the logic changes or the data
> > layer changes.  This is what I think of as a true 3-tier architecture.
> >
> > I also am not using maven.  I have eclipse running and added the jars to
> > the project myself.  If I need to use maven then I will but it seems
> > like adding more stuff to something that should be very simple.
> >
> >
> > Should I be doing something different in terms of my architecture to
> > implement wicket?  Everything is running fine for me except the lazy
> > loading of data from hibernate.  Not sure how my session size is going
> > to look doing it this way either.  Would prefer to have the smallest
> > session size possible but this is a small app with little traffic for
> > now so not that big of a deal.
> >
> > I am a wicket newbie and want to get this right as this is the first
> > wicket project which will lead to a much larger higher traffic project
> > that is currently planned to be developed using wicket.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Adrian Merrall []
> > Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 6:17 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Wicket + Hibernate without Spring for lazy loading
> >
> > Google for a wicket london weekend presentation and follow up blog on
> > loading jpa entity managers on demand.  There have also been various
> > posts
> > relating to using the open session in view Hibernate filter.
> >
> > The JPA blog entry uses the requestcycle to prepare a thread local.  The
> > first call to use it creates the entity manager and keeps it in the
> > thread
> > local.
> >
> > The request cycle end request and exception methods handle the cleanup
> > and
> > close.
> >
> > Very brief description but if you google for the topics above it is all
> > very
> > well explained.
> >
> > HTH
> >
> > Adrian
> >
> > On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Petr Fejfar <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 5:12 AM, Jeffrey Schneller
> > > <> wrote:
> > >
> > > > I really don't want to bloat my code to implement Spring but if it
> > is the
> > > only way to do it then I will.
> > >
> > > When I've started learning of Wicket few month ago, my position was
> > > the similiar: I'd like to avoid stuff like Maven, Spring etc... I
> > > found out Databinder as well and tried it. But I was not able to make
> > > it running with Hibernate, just with HSQLDB.
> > >
> > > So we've decided to continue with Spring, Maven... We've increased our
> > > overhead little bit, but once we define beans, we do not care about
> > > them any more. There was only one pitfall: manually invoking injection
> > > of non-visual components. After few month I must say that Spring seems
> > > to be the least problematic part of our projects.
> > >
> > >
> > > Petr
> > >
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