Try this (cut and pasted from the inmethod-grid-examples app)

new PropertyColumn(new ResourceModel("NumberCol"), "NumberCol", "NumberCol") {
           private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
           public String getCellCssClass(IModel rowModel, int rowNum) {
               return "myCssClassThatRightJustifies";


Swarnim Ranjitkar wrote:
If I user DefaultDataTable to display table. Is there a way justify the numberic column. eg. I want NumberCol to be right justified then left
        IColumn[] columns = new IColumn[2];
        columns[0] = new PropertyColumn(new Model("NumberCol"), "NumberCol", 
        columns[1] = new PropertyColumn(new Model("Last Name"), "name.last", 
DefaultDataTable table = new DefaultDataTable("datatable", columns, userProvider, 10);

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