On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 07:57:12PM +0200, Ceki Gulcu wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to defined shared images in a Wicket application.
> In my prokect, the image file "help.gif" is located under the
> src/main/java/com/foo/ folder of my project. I have created an empty
> class called Images.
> package com.foo;
> public class Images {
> }
> In the init() method of my web-application, I add help.gif as a shared 
> resource:
> public class MyApplication extends WebApplication {
>   @Override
>   protected void init() {
>     ...
>     PackageResource pr = PackageResource.get(Images.class, "help.gif");
>     sharedResources.add("help.gif", pr);
>   }
> }

I normally don't need to do anything in my app's init() method for images.

> In markup, I attempt to access the images as
>    <wicket:link>
>      <td><img src="/resources/help.gif" align="top"/></td>
>    </wicket:link>

You would use <wicket:link> when the image is in the same package as the
markup. In this case, you would just put in <img src="help.gif"> and Wicket
will re-write the src attribute to the right value. This works well if you like
to preview your markup in a browser.

Since your images are (I think) in a different package, you should get rid of
the <wicket:link> tag.

(Actually, I think using a relative path to the right package in src might
work with <wicket:link>, but I never do it that way. See below.)

> Unfortunately, this does not seem to work. However, the following
> markup works just fine but it's too cumbersome to write.
>    <wicket:link>
>      <img src="resources/org.apache.wicket.Application/help.gif"/>
>    </wicket:link>
> Reading page 229 of the Wicket in Action book, I would have thought
> that the "/resources/help.gif" reference would have worked. Quoting
> from the book:
>   The resource is then available through a stable URL (/resources/discounts),
>   independent of components. (page 229)
> What is the idiomatic way in Wicket to reference shared images?

Here's my idiom. First, in the same package as my images, I create a class that
extends ResourceReference:

public class MyImage extends ResourceReference {
    public MyImage(String name) {
        super(MyImage.class, name);

Then, I attach an Image component to the <img> tag:

    <img wicket:id="smiley"/>

    add(new Image("smiley", new MyImage("smiley.gif")));

No code needed in Application.init(), and no <wicket:link> tags required.


> Many thanks in advance for your response,
> -- 
> Ceki Gülcü
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