I have a somewhat similar need, I need to display the feedback panel
before opening popup.

In my undesranding you could do some kind of ajax deocrator that will
open the opup after successful form submit.

HEre is some discussion:


2009/11/18 Zak Johnson <zakinte...@gmail.com>:
> All -
>     I am trying to find a way to open a new window after submitting a form.
> I've seen the threads about using a Link with PopupSettings, but I can't use
> a link in this case, I need this popup to happen within the onSubmit method.
> I also can't use ModalWindow because I need the ability to keep the new
> window open and still allow me to go back to the main window to submit
> another form, spawning the creation of another new window, etc.
> Basically, the app is executing queries (via a form, for variable input) and
> I am trying to display the results in the new window. I Frequently need to
> see the results of several queries, which is why I need the functionality to
> go back to the main page and submit another form, opening an additional
> window. I could use the Link with PopupSettings method to open the form in a
> new window, but i'd prefer to avoid that option if possible.
> I've been banging my head against a wall for days now. Does anyone have any
> ideas?
> Thanks,
> Zak

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