Thanks Igor, my use case was an attempt to solve a bigger problem. Let me
try to describe the main problem I am trying to solve:

I have 1 big form with 3 distinct sections. Each section has an "update"
link which should run every FormComponent's validators for that section. The
trick is I can't use form submission because I don't want to validate the
other parts of the form, just that 1 section and provide error feedback if
necessary. The final button on the form is an actual submit, which will run
through every FormComponent's validators on the page. I thought about
splitting it up into 3 separate forms so each "update" link is actually a
submit, but the final button needs to validate every input in every section
- so that's why I'm using 1 form. I thought about nested forms as well, but
that isn't syntactically correct in HTML.

The crux of the problem is I need to run validators for only specific
FormComponents without doing a form submit. Is there any way I can do that
with wicket?


On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 5:00 PM, Igor Vaynberg <>wrote:

> links do not transfer form values to the serverside, so you need to
> use a bit of js to do it for you. not sure exactly what your usecase
> is (sounds strange), but here goes off the top of my head:
> abstract class myuberlink extends link {
>  private final textfield tf;
>  public myuberlink(string id, textfield tf) { super(id);;
> tf.setoutputmarkupid(true);}
>  public void oncomponenttag(tag) {
> tag.put("onclick","this.href=this.href+'&"+tf.getinputname()+"='+document.getElementById('"+tf.getmarkupid()+"').value;
> return true;"); }
>  public final void onclick() {
> onclick(getrequest().getattribute(tf.getinputname()); }
>  protected abstract void onclick(string value);
> }
> -igor
> On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Tony Wu <> wrote:
> > Is there a way to get a TextField's value without submitting the form?
> For
> > example, if I have a TextField and a Link (not a submit Button), I want
> the
> > Link's onClick to System.out.println the TextField's value at that time.
> I
> > tried using TextField.getInput, getConvertedInput, no dice on both.
> >
> > I even tried adding a AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior to the TextField
> for
> > "onchange", which does work to change the TextField's model whenever a
> user
> > types something, but it's getInput and getConvertedInput is always null
> when
> > I click the Link. Even if the AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior's
> onUpdate I
> > do TextField.setConvertedInput(model's new value) explicity, both
> getInput
> > and getConvertedInput are both null.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
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