the code to wire this in wicket is straight forward. i can think of
two major flavors:

flavor1: your service retrieves the localized values in which case it
is the model that retrieves the list of choices that is locale aware

add(new dropdownchoice(id, model, new loadabledetachablemodel() { list
load() { return

flavor2: your entities are locale aware in which case you would use
the choice renderer to localize

add(new dropdownchoice(id, model, choicesmodel, new ichoicerenderer() {
   string getdisplayvalue(choice c) { return

all this ultimately depends on how your data is stored in the database
and what the service layer to access it looks like.


On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 9:05 PM, David Chang <> wrote:
> This question may be beyond Wicket’s scope but I would like to ask folks 
> here. I am impressed by their creativity, capability, and passion.
> I need to display a dropdown list which is in English or Korean. The options 
> of the dropdown list MUST be stored in database. It switches between English 
> and Korean depending on the locale in the session.
> How can this requirement be addressed elegantly in all three tiers: web 
> (wicket), service, and database, plus the domain objects?
> Any input or pointer is really appreciated.
> All the best.
> P.S. I played with the Locale selection example in the WIA book. It seems the 
> options values in different languages are stored text files. Correct?
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