Wicket 1.4.9 is released!

This is the ninth maintenance release of the 1.4.x series and brings
over fifteen bug fixes and improvements.

Tag: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/wicket/releases/wicket-1.4.9/
 (and pasted below)

To use in Maven:


To download: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/1.4.9

It is worth noting that WICKET-2846 will almost definitely be reverted in
the next release because the community has shown a preference for this.  So,
it would be wise not to take advantage of the InheritableThreadLocal that
was put into version 1.4.9.

Best Regards,

Jeremy Thomerson

PS - Release Notes - Wicket - Version 1.4.9

** Bug
    * [WICKET-2741] - non-performant Collections.synchronizedMap() should be
replaced with ConcurrentMap
    * [WICKET-2843] - Palette is incompatible with ListMultipleChoice in its
use of the model
    * [WICKET-2853] - ListMultipleChoice/CheckBoxMultipleChoice do not
retain selected but disabled items
    * [WICKET-2856] - PackageStringResourceLoader.loadStringResource()
causes NullPointerException when used in a Class within the root package
(i.e. it has no package declaration)
    * [WICKET-2858] - WicketSessionFilter:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument application can not be null
    * [WICKET-2859] - Wrong package names in Examples
    * [WICKET-2860] - Wrong name for swiss Application.properties
    * [WICKET-2861] - getConvertedInput() returns null and
selectedValues.addAll tries adding it

** Improvement
    * [WICKET-2790] - wicketTester.executeAjaxEvent method does not check if
form is multiPart
    * [WICKET-2840] - Remove final on
    * [WICKET-2846] - Store Application in InheritableThreadLocal instead of
    * [WICKET-2855] - Constructor of RedirectRequestTarget does not validate
    * [WICKET-2869] - RangeValidator should use getMinimum and getMaximum
    * [WICKET-2870] - Fix hungarian translation for Wizard
    * [WICKET-2879] - delegate isVisible in PanelCachingTab

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