On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Alex Objelean <alex.objel...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I don't want to insist to much, I'm not absurd, but we are technical
> people.
> Don't you think that any theorem should be proven? The least we can achieve
> is to learn a new thing about how ITL are related to memory leaks.
> I know it isn't easy to prove, but aren't there enough tools to help us? Is
> it really that hard to make a simple example with a worst case scenario to
> check if the presumption is indeed valid? I know it is much simpler to do
> nothing to avoid potential problems, but still do you find it a good way to
> deal with problems? Don't you believe in presumption of innocence
> principle?
> I don't want to bother the community, if there won't anybody willing to
> prove the problem, eventually I will spend some time to bust the myth...
I'd be happy to see you bust it.  But, like you said - we are technical
people - which is why we can postulate certain things without writing a
complex test case to prove them.
Jeremy Thomerson

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