Hi Ernesto,

Just got the 1.4.9 source code and I see what you mean.
But why is it like this?
I copied the whole Image source code to a new class, removed this initModel method, and then things work fine if I don't supply a model.

Why would the Image component behave different from the other components? This isn't documented in the Javadoc so I didn't expect this, but even then, what is the need for making Image work differently than others like Label?

I can think of some usecases where it is fine to display in image that is derived from some property on a domain object that is accessed with a CompoundPropertyModel:

- when you have a Boolean (like here) or Enum-type property and you want to change the image depending on its value - when you have want to dynamically generate an image with some text (on top of a template image), the image is much like a label then

I can't disable this initModel behavior in a subclass, since you can't call super.super.initModel, so to disable this behavior, I have to copy the whole source of the Image class and remove this method.

That seems like "waste" and you're not benefiting from future improvements in the Image class then.

  Erwin Bolwidt

On 6/4/10 9:33 AM, Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro wrote:
Maybe this is related to this override on Image class?

        protected IModel<?>  initModel()
                // Images don't support Compound models. They either have a 
                // model, explicitly set, or they use their tag's src or value
                // attribute to determine the image.
                return null;


On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Erwin Bolwidt<ebolw...@worldturner.nl>  wrote:
Oops, I went a bit too far in pruning non-essential code.

InStockIconImage has a second constructor:

    public InStockIconImage(String id) {

I think it centers around this. If I pass a PropertyModel(listingModel,
"inStock") explicitly to the constructor, it works, but not if I depend on
the automatic property resolution that works well if I use a Label.

How can I get it to work if I don't want to pass a PropertyModel explicitly?


On 6/4/10 9:15 AM, Erwin Bolwidt wrote:

I'm trying to make an image subclass that shows an icon. Which icon it
shows depends on its model object, which is a boolean. Problem is,  I'm not
getting the model object: it's always null. If I use a Label instead of
InStockIconImage, it works: the label shows a boolean (true/false).

Any idea what could cause this?


Here's the icon:

public class InStockIconImage extends Image {
    private static final String PATH_IN_STOCK = "in_stock.png";
    private static final String PATH_NOT_IN_STOCK = "not_in_stock.png";
    private static final String PATH_NO_MODEL_OBJECT = "empty.png";

    public InStockIconImage(String id, IModel<Boolean>  model) {
        super(id, model);

    protected ResourceReference getImageResourceReference() {
        Boolean inStock = (Boolean) getDefaultModelObject();
        String path;
        if (inStock == null) {
            path = PATH_NO_MODEL_OBJECT;
        } else if (inStock) {
            path = PATH_IN_STOCK;
        } else {
            path = PATH_NOT_IN_STOCK;
        return new ResourceReference(Icons.class, path);

Here's how I use it:

        RefreshingListView<ProductListing>  listingRepeater = new
                "listing", new
PropertyModel<Set<ProductListing>>(getModel(), "listings")) {
            protected void populateItem(Item<ProductListing>  item) {
                item.add(new Label("webShop.name"));
                item.add(new Label("price"));
                item.add(new InStockIconImage("inStock"));

RefreshingListView is a utility class which decorates a normal

public abstract class RefreshingListView<T>  extends RefreshingView<T>  {

    public RefreshingListView(String id) {

    public RefreshingListView(String id, IModel<? extends Collection<T>>
model) {
        super(id, model);

    protected Iterator<IModel<T>>  getItemModels() {
        Collection<T>  modelObject = getModelObject();
        if (modelObject == null) {
            modelObject = new ArrayList<T>();
        return new ModelIteratorAdapter<T>(modelObject.iterator()) {
            protected IModel<T>  model(T object) {
                return new CompoundPropertyModel<T>(object);

    public Collection<T>  getModelObject() {
        return getModel().getObject();

    public IModel<List<T>>  getModel() {
        return (IModel<List<T>>) getDefaultModel();


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