On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 11:05 PM, shox <vishapxtr...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a Base-Layout and a changing content in a wicket:child-component.
> Can I have a central Dialog, like a jQuery UI-Dialog  (
> http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/ ) or better like the messages from
> stackoverflow (little bar  that gets the Feedback-Messages and pops up at
> the top of the page, stacking and "cancel-able") that my child-page can call
> and that pops up then?
> Following use-case:
> Baseclass > Login-Form:
> Login-Form processes user-input, seems correct, the AjaxBehavior is called.
> But in the backend there is a error with the database.
> So I now want to write there or in the Behavior error("i.e. Sorry, a DB
> error occurred") and either the bar pops up itself or I can make it appear
> without re-rendering the whole page? Best case would be if the function to
> call or the Element to use would be located in the Base-page.
> Is that possible?
> I am sorry if this is a simple task, but I couldn't figure it out.
> Thanks
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Sure, use the built-in feedback mechanism, but write your own custom
renderer.  In other words, when there is a validation error, etc,
Component#error (or #info, #warn, etc.) are called.  Typically, you add a
FeedbackPanel to the page and this displays the messages as <ul><li>message
1</li><li>message 2</li></ul>

Instead of using the built in FeedbackPanel, just write your own (look at
FeedbackPanel for help on how to get / clear the messages, etc).  It can
render them into a dialog, toaster, etc.

Jeremy Thomerson

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