2010/7/7 西门烧雪 Simon <sekatsi...@gmail.com>

> I have read that "in Wicket a page is only constructed once", from
> https://cwiki.apache.org/WICKET/reading-from-a-database.html
> So I did an experiment with the following class.  When I press F5
> twice in my browser to refresh, and I get the print out (see below)
> three times.  So, is the statement "in Wicket a page is only
> constructed once" correct?
> public class Echo extends WebPage {
>        public Echo() {
>                System.out.println(this.toString());
>        }
> }
> Print out:
> [Page class = org.appfuse.web.pages.echo.Echo, id = 0, version = 0]
> [Page class = org.appfuse.web.pages.echo.Echo, id = 1, version = 0]
> [Page class = org.appfuse.web.pages.echo.Echo, id = 2, version = 0]
> Thank you
> --
> Simon
> 西门烧雪
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You were on a bookmarkable page.  The statement should be qualified.  Every
time you hit a bookmarkable page, or redirect to a page via
setResponsePage(Class) or setResponsePage(Class, PageParameters), you will
create a page.  But, for all stateful redirects, including stateful actions
within the page, the page is not reconstructed.

Try this:

add a private int counter to your page class.  Then add the following
component and click the link:

add(new Link("link") {
  public void onClick() {
    System.out.println("link was clicked - same instance of page");

Jeremy Thomerson

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