Hi everybody,

My problem is I have to test a Page that should prevent lost updates via 
optimistic lock checking.

I resolved the problem using JPA optimistic lock and if I use two different 
browsers then the Page works in the desired way.

The problem comes in the test phase: to emulate two concurrent sessions I would 
instantiate two pages accessing to the same object (record) on the database 
this way having two sessions that I will call A and B.
Then on the session A I update and save (everything is expected to be correct), 
then on session B I update and save (an exception is expected to be thrown).

My approach might be

final WicketTester.DummyWebApplication testWebApplication1 = new 
WicketTester.DummyWebApplication() ...
final WicketTester.DummyWebApplication testWebApplication2 = new 
WicketTester.DummyWebApplication() ...


tester1 = new MyAppWicketTester(testWebApplication);
tester2 = new MyAppWicketTester(testWebApplication);

tester1.startPage(new ITestPageSource() ...
tester2.startPage(new ITestPageSource() ...

but as soon as run the complete set of test anything "blow up".

Do you have any suggestion?
Daniele Cremonini

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