Hi All,

I am starting to build a component that allows to add, edit and delete items
into/from a List/Grid view.
The use case is where we want to add multiple phone/address items as part of
adding a contact.

- User enters  Contact related details
- User gets a list of pre-existing(if any) Phone numbers that he then
selects to edit like in a data grid
- User can also add multiple numbers by clicking Add button.
- User clicks on Save button that saves the contact details and associates
the phone numbers with the contact. (If user has removed an item that is
also updated)

The way I plan to do it is to  use the CRUD pattern.

- A List displays pre-existing phone numbers.
- Add new button displays a detail page, where user can enter the new number
details and click Ok or Done
- OnOk or OnDone the item is added to the pre-existing List and the repeater
is refreshed to display the new item.
- On the same lines user can edit an item from the list.

I feel i am rebuilding something that already is built or can be extended. I
looked at the examples of editable Datagrid but I guess it does not by
default offer a 'Add new' item to the list.

Has someone extended Datagrid to provide this functionality or is there one
available part of Wicket or WicketStuff?
Can someone suggest if the approach am about to take worth the time or
should I look at DataGrid functionality?

Would appreciate any thoughts design approaches on this topic.

Many thanks

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