.. and please vote for WICKET-3404 if you think the need for this additional form is just annoying.


On 03/20/2011 01:01 AM, Pedro Santos wrote:
To submit a form inside a modal window you must enclose it by a form in the
main panel and use an AJAX submit component. Please open a ticket +
quickstart if the issue remains.

On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 7:45 PM, Brown, Berlin [GCG-PFS]<
berlin.br...@primerica.com>  wrote:

When I use the ajax modal window and under Firefox/Chrome/Safari, the
ajax form submit does not happen.  When I open the ajax debug window, it
looks like a request is made.

Has anyone had issues with modal windows, form submission and firefox?

Internet Explorer 7 works fine.

Version of Wicket: 1.4.13

Here is the error in the debug window:

RROR: Wicket.Ajax.Call.submitFormById: Trying to submit form with id
'calloutForm449' that is not in document.
ERROR: Wicket.Ajax.Call.submitFormById: Trying to submit form with id
'calloutForm449' that is not in

Pseduo Code:

import org.apache.wicket.extensions.ajax.markup.html.modal.ModalWindow;

final ModalWindow modalWindow = new ModalWindow( "modalWindow");
final Panel basicPanel = new BasicPanel( modalWindow.getContentId());

modalWindow.setInitialWidth( 600 );


public class BasicPanel extends Panel {

  public BasicPanel(final String id) {
    final Form form = new Form("calloutForm");

** Panel for Modal Window Markup:

<form wicket:id="calloutForm">

** Output from ajax debug window.

The form looks like it is available.

<div id="feedback4d7" style="display:none"></div>
<form id="calloutForm4d8" method="post"
rflow:hidden"><input type="hidden" name="calloutForm4d8_hf_0"
id="calloutForm4d8_hf_0" /></div>
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width: auto;"

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