@Decebal: Thank you. I realized the problem lies somewhere around the

Changes in the sort order do get saved to the underlying .xml-file, but
those changes won't get rendered by just doing an AJAX update.
When I press F5 to make a browser refresh, the page gets rendered properly.
The model is a LoadableDetachableModel.

- line 52: save changes to .xml
- line 55: update ListView (parent of it) via AJAX
- line 62: initialize ListView & Model

I double-checked I really update a parent container, and as far as I
understand the LoadableDetachableModel, it loads its ressources everytime
it is used. So when I re-render the component via AJAX, it should pull the
current values from the .xml. But that does not happen, somehow..
And that the AJAX update actually DOES work, when I move an item from one
to another list, confuses me even more.

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