Hej Eugene,

In practice the wicket frontend development is interrupted by frequent small changes to the HTML, Javascript or CSS. Changes to these markups are very expensive because they effort a new software release followed by a software rollout. This depends on the fact, that the markup is delivered with the web application. We separate the markup and the corresponding java code physically during development, and unites both parts during runtime. Thus it is possible to release and deploy markup out of the software life cycle.

The markup-dev environment consists of a unix/windows system (which is not the developers local system!!!) with a running wicket application and a mounted WebDav. The WebDav mirrors the subversion/git and is used as template base path for the wicket application. Within the markup-dev environment, every modification to the markup is visible after a page reload. Deployments to the dev system are triggered via a jenkins job. However, developing markup directly on a customer-frontend and not with static dummies reduces the time-to-failure to a minimum and requires no further handover to the software development.

In the past, there was a similar question, perhaps this could help you: http://apache-wicket.1842946.n4.nabble.com/Syncing-files-with-designers-td4654450.html

best regards,


On 02/20/2013 11:14 AM, manuelbarzi wrote:
>>It's a lot of effort to restart the server to test every tweak; also,
>>they're not familiar with the intricacies of our IDE and server. It's a lot
>>more productive for them to have a direct set of files they can test in IE,
>>which is how they've been working all along.

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