
org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage#configureResponse() is a good place
for this.

Wicket buffers the response so Tomcat cannot flush it no matter the size.
I.e. the HttpServletResponse has no data to push until the very end of the
request cycle.

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 5:07 PM, Martin Funk <mafulaf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> what is the best place to set http response state?
> I was trying the 'onSomething' callback methods in IRequestCycleListener
> Like onEndRequest
> But sometimes those get ignored
> The last save place I figured was onAfterRender in the page class, but this
> doesn't feel right.
> The reason that calls like:
> ((HttpServletResponse)
> RequestCycle.get().getResponse().getContainerResponse()).setStatus(404);
> in the RequestCycle Listner are ignored seems to be that the underlying
> container, Tomcat 6.0.37 in our case, starts to flush the outputstream as
> the Response becomes big, as in maybe 20k.
> If the response is small enoug the status, can be set in the 'onDetach()'
> Anyone any ideas?
> Martin

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