Hi Everybody,

I'm facing a strange issue. I'm on UserPage on
http://account.dev.pippo.com/account/UserPage in this page I have a
DropDown component to filter a listview (using Ajax). When choosing a value
from the dropdown the XMLHttpRequest is done against
http://dev.pippo.cominstead of
http://account.dev.pippo.com/account. This leads to an
Access-Control-Allow-Origin problem:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load
Origin https://account.dev.pippo.com is not allowed by

I have an Apache rewrite rule that prepend the account. URL when /account
is used.

The /account URL is mounted using:

mountPackage("/account", UserPage.class);

(I moved all panels and custom components used by this UserPage on the same

Should't wicket use the current URL (http://account.dev.pippo.com/account/)
as target for the Ajax request (to avoid browser blocking the requests)?

In the markup file I have the following AJAX request

Is this a wicket bug?

I'm using Apache Wicket 6.9.1.

Thanks a lot.


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