
WicketStuff core 6.11.0 based on Apache Wicket 6.11.0 is released
and shortly will be available in Maven Central.

The changelog for this release is:

Martin Tzvetanov Grigorov (29):
      [async-tasks] Remove unused import of the AbstractTaskModel
      [gmap3-examples] Do not keep a reference to ServerGeocoder because it
is not Serializable
      [gmap3] Minor cleanups
      [gmap3] Use only spaces. No functional changes
      [gmap3] Remove unused variables
      [gmap3] Minor improvements in GClientGeocoder
      [gmap3] Allow to set timeout for GClientGeocoder callbacks
      [gmap3] Show the error in a feedback message
      [gmap3] Code formatting
      [gmap3] Non functional changes
      [gmap3] Append character to StringBuilder when possible
      [gmap3] Enable usage of #addFunctionListener() in Ajax requests
      [gmap3] Javadoc fixes
      [gmap3] Javadoc fixes
      [gmap3] Expose InfoWindow's LatLng with a getter
      [gmap3] Add 'rightclick' event
      [gmap3] Generate fitBounds/panToBounds only if this is an Ajax request
      [gmap3] Minor improvement
      [autocomplete-tagit] Fixes #258
      [gmap3-example] Example Jetty Maven plugin
      [gmap3] Reuse the already read value of 'address' request parameter
      [gmap3] Fixes #251. Make a call to the server only when client
geocoder returns OK response
      [gmap3] Issue #251 Send a notification to the server with any
GeocoderStatus. The application should decide how to react
      [gmap3] Add more event types
      Update the url for Apache Nexus Snapshots repository
      Fix whitespace
      [gmap2] Remove GMap2 module from children modules.
      [scala] Use Scala 2.10.2 everywhere
      Release WicketStuff 6.11.0

andunslg (29):
      Adding Wicket Whiteboard
      Refactoring Package Names
      Adding a Saved Whiteboard for the Whiteboard Example
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
      Adding Load Clip Art From Server Folder, Refactoring, Bug Fixes
      Adding Example Pictures
      Load clipArts to th whiteboard on page load is added
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
      Getting pictures of Document/PDF from server is implemented
      Adding the initial version of Document/PDF to whiteboard is
      Adding sample pictures
      Adding Whiteboard Doc/PDF processing toolbar
      Improving Doc/PDF add to whiteboard
      Adding navigation of Doc/PDF pages which are added to whiteboard
      Refactoring and Formalizing
      Doc addition synchronization between clients is added
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
      Save/Load Whiteboard with Background is implemented with Bug Fixes
      Bug fixing and Adding Comments
      Improvements + Bug Fixing
      Adding license header
      Adding Undo Feature to the  DOC/PDF
      More Fixes
      More Fixes
      Adding localizations to Whiteboard and Adding it to main build
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
      Changing whitespace

svenmeier (10):
      added test for final method
      #256 support proxying classes with private constructors
      #257 support inherited methods
      tests for enums, private constructors and inherited methods
      removed final on fields to allow customization (via reflection for
      corrected javadoc
      extracted Evaluation from LazyModel
      let LoadableDetachableWrapper implement IChainingModel and work with
    null type
      moved proxyFactory to Evaluation, since LazyModel is no longer
depending     on it
      Evaluation with generic parameter

Andrea Del Bene (2):
      small code improvements
      Update readme.md

bitstorm (2):
      Introduce IMimeTypeResolver to retrieve the MIME type in input and
  output in a custom way.
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/wicketstuff/core.git

=Tom B (1):
      [InMethod Grid] - updated html for the AddDelete/Submit Cancel with
text to help with what the icons mean. (alt/title attributes)

Andun S.L. Gunawardana (1):
      Merge pull request #252 from solomax/master

solomax (1):
      Copy/pasted code is cleaned-up;     Proper methods are used instead
of casts;     Most files are reformatted;

The WicketStuff team

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