Wicket 6.11

I have an AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior that returns JSON in its protected
void respond( AjaxRequestTarget target ) method by:

requestCycle.scheduleRequestHandlerAfterCurrent( new TextRequestHandler(
"text/plain", "UTF-8", json ) );

This ADAB is used for returning status information back to a client side
Javascript component (FileUploader), and the interoperation of the
Javascript component and Wicket via JSON works.

However, it seems that simple javascript appended to the ART is not being
invoked on the client.  Is the scheduleRequestHandlerAfterCurrent() above
replacing the Ajax response that would normally have been sent back to the
client (in this case the Ajax updates - components and javascripts added to
the ART)?

Is there way to return JSON, and also have the ART updates triggered? I'm
not seeing anything in the AjaxDebugger on the client, so it looks like my
simple test alert('here'); is not being sent or interpreted correctly by
the client.


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