
I would do something like


interface IFieldFactory {

   boolean canHandle(Variable<Object> variable);

   Panel createComponenPanel(String id, Variable<Object> variable);


2- FiledFactoryLocator having a  collection of field factories.

3- On your listview

for(IFieldFactory factory: locator.getFieldFactories()) {
   if(factory.canHandle(variable)) {
     item.add(factory.createComponenPanel(id, variable);

This way you will get rid of the nasty "ifs" and to support a new type you
just have to implement and register a new IFieldFactory.

Makes sense?

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 10:49 AM, Valentin Robert

> Hi
> i 'm new with wicket and after searching a solution to my problem, i
> couldn't find any solution
> Here is what i want to do.
> I would like to build a form where the input type can be textfields,
> checkboxes, dropdown, ...
> i've seen that some solutions would be to create a new conponent, or to
> have multiple containers and set their visibility in java.
> however i would like to have something like this :
> <wicket:container wicket:id="listInput">
>  <input wicket:id="input"id="whatever" type="text" size="40" />
> </wicket:container>
> Java
>  add(new ListView<Variable<Object>>("listInput", obj.getList())
>  {
>  protected void populateItem(ListItem<Variable<Object>> item)
>  {
>  final Variable<Object> var = item.getModelObject();
>  if (var.getType().equals("string"))
>  {
>  item.add( new Textfield (...));
>  }
>  else if (var.getType().equals("boolean"))
>  {
>  item.add( new Checkbox (...));
>  }
>  ......
> this does not work because i can't had a new checkbox on a component who
> has a type=text.
> i tried to do something like add(AttributeModifier.replace("type",
> "checkbox")); but i couldn't manage to do what i wanted.
> If still think that if i don't want to create a component or have multiple
> containers in my html, this is what i should use.
> if someone could help me to do this that would be great, i'm stuck with
> this probleme and i didn't like the solutions that i found.
> thank you for taking the time to help me.

Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro

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