On 8/28/2014 11:14 AM, Andrea Del Bene wrote:
It's just an encoding conflict: your properties uses ISO-8859-1, your page UTF-8. The result is a bad rendering, as you can see. When Java designers decided to adopt ISO-8859-1 they didn't consider most of the Asian languages...
PS: just as a personal advice, try to be less "rude" in your answers ;)

Andrea, I'm sorry, I'll really try. My answers were probably terse (short and to the point), and you probably sense a frustration on my part with the lack of basic understanding in the software development world on the fundamentals of software encoding.

For example, your answer seems to assume that some function simply loads two sets of bytes and merges them together. That's not what happens at all. (Or at least I hope that's not what happens---it would indicate that the coder had no idea how to approach the task.) In fact their are two layers to the encoding stack: the byte-level processing, and the character level processing. The Java Properties class should correctly take the bytes in the character file and do the ISO 8859-1 encoding, producing a character stream to be parsed. This is already implemented in Java, and has been for well over a decade, I believe.

Similarly, an XML processor will take the bytes in an XML file and transform them based upon the encoding (in this case, UTF-8) and produce a stream of characters. All XML processors are required to be able to perform this transformation, and have been for well over a decade.

Now that bother input sources produce data and the character level, the original byte-level encoding is irrelevant. At the character level, there is no "encoding conflict", because there is no encoding. (There exists the in-memory encoding used by the JVM, but that's irrelevant to the discussion and will certainly be the same for all strings used.) Thus the two input streams can be mixed together without worry of encoding. If this is not what happens within Wicket, there is a software bug---but not an "encoding conflict".

I recommend you start by reading read http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Unicode.html . If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer any specific questions.

I apologize again for being brusk, but I'll do my best to explain things if others honestly have questions.


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