
I found you "single-page-instance" sample very interesting.

I have the following question if you can spare some time:

What happens if you completely remove the local map in SinglePageManager
(and the associated) code?

I.e. if SinglePageManager#getPage(int id) always delegates to the
underlying manager and SinglePageManager#newPage() always returns a new
page from the underlying factory.

It seems that then you get the following:
1. Every time you hit a page either by url or navigation, you get a fresh
instance, but without a version parameter in the url. Effectively you get a
new version of the page but the url does not include the version number.
2. Interactions with the page affect the specific version. As long as you
keep interacting with the page (e.g. "Increment"), you are fine. You can
even have the same page in two tabs with different state.
3. If you hit F5 you go back to the page's original state

I think the behavior outlined above is also valid for several use cases
(e.g. facebook's profile page works like this - there are a lot of ajax
interactions but if you hit F5 you go back to the page's original state).

Do you see any holes?


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