
As explained elsewhere the disabling of a button/link/... is not a single
solution that works for everyone. That's why it is not part of Wicket

If it is just about suppressing the clicks on the button then using
AjaxChannel.Type.ACTIVE is good enough. By using ACTIVE type you tell
Wicket to not execute any Ajax request if there is an active (currently
running) one.

But most probably you want additionally some visual effect that tells the
user that the button is disabled. And here each application may have
different requirements.
Some apps may change the color of the button. This cannot be generic
solution because Wicket devs cannot mandate what color should be used.
Another solution is to change the box shadow, making the effect of a
pressed button. Again Wicket cannot prescribe such solution for all apps.
It won't even work for older IEs.
Probably the most common solution is to use a veil on the whole screen (or
just part of it). For example Apache Isis uses global Ajax listeners to
show/hide a veil -
Additionally it uses FontAwesome spinning font icon (
http://fontawesome.io/examples/) instead of IndicatingAjaxButton's

As you can see there are many ways to achieve "disabling an action". Wicket
is mature enough to give you the freedom to choose the one that fits the
best your functional and visual requirements.

As always - if Wicket users (like you) convince us that a generic
improvement is possible then we will consider it!

On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 1:44 AM, Garret Wilson <gar...@globalmentor.com>

> One of the reasons I chose Wicket for my client's project was that I
> expected that at this level of maturity Wicket would support the most
> common use cases . (Disabling a submission button during submission is one
> of the most common use cases I can think of.)
> Let me first say that IndicatingAjaxButton is really cool, and works
> great! It was just what I needed. Thanks to whoever wrote it.
> Disabling the submission button during submission, however, is just going
> to load me down a rat's hole of research and experimentation and
> trial-and-error and half-solutions. We have a tight deadline to meet. We're
> going to have to go with just IndicatingAjaxButton and leave it at that.
> Hopefully we can come back and address this in a future version of our
> project.
> I'm just explaining our situation as it is. Nothing  personal directed to
> anyone, and I appreciate the suggestions from Martin Grigorov.
> Garret
> On 10/9/2014 12:29 PM, Garret Wilson wrote:
>> IndicatingAjaxButton is nice. But I need one more step: I need the button
>> to be disabled during submission.
>> Mystic Coders indicated a solution <http://www.mysticcoders.com/
>> blog/disabling-an-ajax-submit-button/>, but that doesn't seem to work
>> with Wicket 7.
>> Some have filed bugs to Wicket <https://issues.apache.org/
>> jira/browse/WICKET-5360>  and filed bugs to Wicket stuff <
>> https://github.com/wicketstuff/core/issues/272> to have this added, but
>> were turned down.
>> In the Wicket documentation there is some complicated code <
>> http://wicket.apache.org/guide/guide/ajax.html#ajax_6> for adding layers
>> and having indicators---but I already have an indicator. I just want to
>> disable the button.
>> How can I simply disable the Ajax button during submission? I can't find
>> the page that tells me how to do this---but I find lots of people wanting
>> to do it, and lots of people providing complicated workarounds that break
>> from one version of Wicket to the next. Any easy solutions?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Garret
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