Thanks for this.  I’m trying replacing the mapper with an extension of
AbstractResource and an extension of ResourceReference, as suggested in
that post, and then using something like
        application.mountResource(“/img/${path}”, new MyResourceReference(…))
and it is indeed much easier to set the caching headers flexibly that way.

If the directory has subdirectories, though, the mount doesn’t work. Only
the first path segment up to the first / is passed to the Resource as the
path.  Is there a way to rewrite that mountResource invocation so that the
entire path after /img/ is passed through to the resource?  It would be
nice if there were a variant of ${} / #{} that was more greedy.

I can cheat by using attributes.getRequest().getUrl() in the Resource to
find the full path, but that breaks urlFor.

Ultimately my goal is to be able to get URLs for these resources that make
use of FilenameWithVersionResourceCachingStrategy .  As you may guess, I’m
trying various tacks to make the resource caching of my application work


On 12/9/14, 3:21 PM, "Martin Grigorov" <> wrote:

>It describes the idea.
>Martin Grigorov
>Wicket Training and Consulting
>On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 3:45 AM, Boris Goldowsky <>
>> The mapper maps a url path to a filesystem directory, so we can mount,
>> say, /static/* to a directory of static files anywhere on our server.
>> sets cache duration and MIME type properly along the way.
>> I¹m certainly open to better ways to accomplish this goal!
>> Boris
>> On 12/8/14, 5:07 PM, "Martin Grigorov" <> wrote:
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> >What is the reason to go so low level with AbstractMapper and
>> >ResourceStreamRequestHandler
>> >?
>> >You can mount a ResourceReference with WebApplication#mountResource(),
>> >this ResRef#getResource() should return IResource/AbstractResource
>> >you have much better control on the response headers.
>> >
>> >
>> >Martin Grigorov
>> >Wicket Training and Consulting
>> >
>> >
>> >On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 11:03 PM, Boris Goldowsky <>
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >> I have a request mapper that extends AbstractMapper, and returns a
>> >> ResourceStreamRequestHandler from mapRequest().
>> >>
>> >> The resource is being send with a Cache-Control: private header,
>> >>is
>> >> unfortunate for caching in this case; we want the resources to be
>> >>publicly
>> >> cacheable.
>> >>
>> >> How can I set the cache scope properly in this scenario?   I see that
>> >> ResourceResponse has a setCacheScope() method, but my AbstractMapper
>> >> doesn¹t seem to get access to this anywhere.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for any pointers!
>> >>
>> >> Bng
>> >>
>> >>
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