Hi all,

I have an application which gets deployed into different web app
contexts of a Tomcat simply be naming the folder of the context
differently. So "application" is hosted as "application1",
"application2" etc. simply by copying the generic folder of
"application" into a new target and do some minor configuration
changes. The point is, that web.xml keeps the same for all
installations within one Tomcat.

Today I had a look at using JMX with Wicket and recognized, that the
name of the application by default is set to the name the Wicket
filter gets in web.xml. Because that's generic in my case I'm unable
to distinguish what the JMX console shows me, it's always called the
same and I can't see to which application it belongs.

Two options now: Either one has to change web.xml for each folder or
provide some logic to set the application name on runtime, e.g.
depending on the folder name.

I would prefer the latter and tested a bit around Application.setName,
but this doesn't seem to work, because setName can only be called
once and WicketFilter currently always calls it. So regardless if
someone wants to call it earlier or afterwards, it will always result
in an error.

Is that expected behavior, should no application be able to provide
another name at all? Or is there any other way to set the name on my
own without WicketFilter trying to do the same?

The relevant code in WicketFilter is the following:

> public void init(final boolean isServlet, final FilterConfig filterConfig)
>                        // locate application instance unless it was already 
> specified during construction
>                        if (application == null)
>                        {
>                                applicationFactory = getApplicationFactory();
>                                application = 
> applicationFactory.createApplication(this);
>                        }
>                        application.setName(filterConfig.getFilterName());
>                        application.setWicketFilter(this);

This looks to me as if setName is effectively useless for anyone
except WicketFilter, because it's always called there.

Thanks for your help!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning       E-Mail: thorsten.schoen...@am-soft.de
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme      http://www.AM-SoFT.de/

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