
If a component is rendered then its #renderHead() should be called!

On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 4:08 AM, MadasamySankarapandian <
madas...@mcruncher.com> wrote:

>          I am using bootstrap-timepicker.js in a single page application .
> Time picker is added in a panel which is then embedded in the page. When
> the entire page is reloaded, the timepicker is working fine. However, when
> the respective panel is displayed via Wicket events, the time picker is not
> rendered. I am using Component#onEvent(Ievent) method to display the panel.
> The javascript resource reference for timepicker is added in renderHead
> method. I would like to know if a panel is reloaded during onEvent call,
> will rendeHead method be invoked or not?
> Here are few code snippets to help you all understand what I am trying?
> public class BasePage
> {
> public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response)

Call super.renderHead(response) too.

Is this a method in the page or in SelectionPanel ?!

> {
>   response.render(JavaScriHeaderItem.forReference(new
> JavaScriptResourceReference(bootstrap-timepicker.js)));
>   response.render(JavaScriHeaderItem.forReference(new
> JavaScriptResourceReference(common.js)));
> }
> //event is received to display panel
>  public void onEvent(IEvent ievent)
>  {
>     super.onEvent(ievent)
>     if(event.getPayLoad() instance of Notification)
>     {
>         Notification notification = (Notification) event.getPayload();
>       PageParameters parameters = notification.getPageParameters()
>       Panel selectedPanel = getSelectedPanel(parameters,
> notification.getPanelClass);
>       BasePage.this.selectedPanel.replaceWith(selectedPanel);

There is no Ajax here, so the whole page is re-rendered and #renderHead()
should be called for all visible components.

>       }
>   }
> }
> --
> Thanks and regards
>  Madasamy

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