
On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 1:38 AM, Илья Нарыжный <phan...@ydn.ru> wrote:

> Guys,
> Please help me understand what's status of wicketstuff project and
> what's a roadmap for the future?
> I'm asking, because from community stand point I don't see so much pros.
> Pros:
> 1) It's easy to have all wicket related projects in place and observe at
> once.
> But this pros can be easily done by creating a library of links to all
> wicket related project. What else do you have in mind?

The biggest pros is that WicketStuff is already known to the community.
Whenever someone needs some Wicket integration I guess Google's first
recommendation would be WicketStuff.

> List of cons is longer:
> 1) It's hard to manage issues baceuse there are multiple projects and
> multiple authors.

By "donating" a project to WicketStuff authors hope that other people will
also use it and improve it,
i.e. implement new features and fix bugs.
Every author of a WicketStuff module is a member of the Collaborators team
and thus is notified whenever
there is a issue report for any project. I personally have fixed several
issues for projects which I either use or I care about.
There are other people doing this too.

> 2) It's expected that versions of wicketstuff projects are in sync
> with wicket version. But in reality, as I can see, significant part of
> projects update just pom.xml to a newer version. So: it brings
> redundant versions for those projects

1) the projects are migrated to 6.0.0/7.0.0 by others, not by the original
2) the projects are build with the latest version of Wicket and their tests
are executed
3) I use WicketStuff build to validate Wicket's releases themselves

> 3) Hard to search. Yes - google can find everything, but on github
> it's much more reasonable to have separate repository per project.

I think it is easier to search at one known place than many unknown ones

> 4) When project jumps to wicketstuff: all dependencies should be
> updated. And sometimes it's not easy: for example if you include
> ProjectA which includes ProjectB and projectB jump to wicketstuff.

In this case you can still use ProjectB versionBeforeWicketStuff

> 5) And finally: most of projects are already outdated and not
> supported by authors

>From time to time contributors appear with some fixes/improvements.
Very recently a user revived Jamon integration from wicket-1.4.x branch!

> For my own purposes I started to collect wicket related projects here:
> https://github.com/PhantomYdn/awesome-wicket

This is great initiative! Thank you!

But what you said for WicketStuff I can say for this list too - many of the
projects are outdated and not supported by their authors.
Most probably they will never be updated to a newer version.
Someone may fork them and update, but then it becomes even harder for other
users to find the best solution for a problem.

> Collection of links might be move beneficial for the community rather
> that moving everything under single project (WicketStuff), I think.

Maybe you are right, maybe not!

My biggest problem with WicketStuff is that it becomes bigger and bigger
and releasing it takes more and more time.
It was almost 6 hours at some point. Now we disabled the deployment of
-examples modules to Maven Central and it is back to ~1h, so please keep
them coming! :-)

> Thanks,
> Ilya
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