> What I am missing (and what my original question was referring to) is a
> per-tab context to put things. Think eg. of a page with a data table and
> some filters. The user applies filters, clicks on one of the found items
> (navigating to a different page), edits, saves (sends the user back to the
> page with the table) and expects the filter criteria to still be intact. In
> a single-tab scenario the filter criteria can be stored in the session - no
> problem.
> Now think of a user who uses multiple tabs with different filter criteria
> in each. This is where some sort of per-tab context/store would come in
> handy.
> Kind regards,
>  Edmund
> PS: I don't see this problem in single-page application though. The page
> state itself can represent the state of the tab.

Only if user designs it stateless. Otherwise all state is in session by
default. To make it transparent for coder, wicket should handle it.

Both your problems are easily solveable by using the page instance as
> "context".
> The TabbedPanel is an instance of a Java object that is somewhere inside of
> an instance of a Page.
> Wicket provides org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxNewWindowNotifyingBehavior that
> can be used to notify the page that it is opened in a second browser
> tab/window.
> In its #onNewWindow() you can do something like:
> setResponsePage(getPage().getPageClass(), getPage().getPageParameters()).
> This will render a *new* instance of this page with its own TabbedPanel
> where you will have different state.

This does not (transparently) solve the issue with normal session
variables, such as filter etc. models in session. They are still saved if
session is the same.


> On 12/07/2016 01:45 PM, Martin Grigorov wrote:
>> Could you please expand on
>> "and you do not want to make custom logic to allow multi
>> window/tab (in browser)" ?
>> How exactly Wicket prevents the "multi browser tabs/windows" ?
>> Martin Grigorov
>> Wicket Training and Consulting
>> https://twitter.com/mtgrigorov
>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 1:37 PM, Martin Makundi <
>> martin.maku...@koodaripalvelut.com> wrote:
>> If one makes a single-page application that has multiple tabs (within one
>>> browser window), and you do not want to make custom logic to allow multi
>>> window/tab (in browser) management into session, it would work best if
>>> there was separate "session" for each browser tab/window inside wicket.
>>> Simplest example is that session has variable "currentlySelectedTab" if
>>> you
>>> have two browser windows open both will be racing for this same variable
>>> unless sessions are separated.
>>> So from developer's perspective, would be simplest if wicket
>>> transparently
>>> separates sessions for each browser window/tab.
>>> **
>>> Martin
>>> 2016-12-07 14:19 GMT+02:00 Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org>:
>>> Hi,
>>>> What kind of problem exactly you try to solve there ?
>>>> What kind of issues do you face ?
>>>> Martin Grigorov
>>>> Wicket Training and Consulting
>>>> https://twitter.com/mtgrigorov
>>>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 12:07 PM, Martin Makundi <
>>>> martin.maku...@koodaripalvelut.com> wrote:
>>>> This should be built into wicket core, automatic session management.
>>>> Login
>>>>> once and enable multiple tabs and a new sub-session for each tab.
>>>>> If user logs out from any of the sessions, all would be invalidated.
>>>>> Not sure if this exists yet, but would be needed.
>>>>> **
>>>>> Martin
>>>>> 2016-12-07 12:59 GMT+02:00 Urbani, Edmund <edmund.urb...@lilandit.com
>>>> :
>>>>> Ok, but how do you create a session per tab? Also, I would at least
>>>>> need
>>>>> to login the authenticated user in the new session.
>>>>>> On 12/07/2016 11:43 AM, Martin Makundi wrote:
>>>>>> We have noticed that most robust if you can get different session for
>>>>> each
>>>>>> tab because the session shares models and will easily conflict if
>>>>> session
>>>>> is not distinct for each tab.
>>>>>> 2016-12-07 12:42 GMT+02:00 Urbani, Edmund <
>>>>> edmund.urb...@lilandit.com>
>>>> <
>>>>> edmund.urb...@lilandit.com>:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I have a some questions about the current state of this feature.
>>>>>> Firstly, how reliable is it? (Works on all/current browsers? Can
>>>>> still
>>>> break under certain circumstances?)
>>>>>> And secondly, how would I store my own state information per
>>>>> tab/window?
>>>>> The session context seems too broad because it is shared by all tabs
>>>>> and
>>>>> the page context is too limited.
>>>>>> I could make it work with the session anyway, if I can somehow
>>>>> identify
>>>> the current browser tab and put things into a map accordingly. Or I
>>>>> could
>>>>> pass on all required info from page to page which would be quite
>>>>> cumbersome
>>>>>> and conflict with my approach to use bookmarkable URLs wherever
>>>>> possible.
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>   Edmund
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>>>>>> Liland IT Team
>>>>>> Email: edmund.urb...@lilandit.com <edmund.urb...@lilandit.com>
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