Hi Thorsten,

for a normal form submit the browser should send "bcdHistory.upload" as post parameter.

That should definitely work. Show us your HTML, maybe something is wrong there.

Have fun

On 25.06.20 19:05, Thorsten Schöning wrote:
Hi all,

I have one form in which I need two submit buttons with different
behaviour. The first is to submit the form with default
implementation, to do whatever the form needs to do. The second is to
submit the form WITHOUT doing what the form normally does, but
something completely different and redirect differently afterwards.

I've implemented this simply following the official docs:


The problem is that Wicket can't properly find the submitting button
of the second request and therefore routes ALL requests to "onSubmit"
of the form only. "onSubmit" of the additionally added button never
fires. During debugging, one can easily see that when iterating
possible components in "Form.findSubmittingButton", Wicket doesn't
find the necessary component name of the second buttin in the request

My request looks like the following, with the first being the
requested URL:

Posted form data:

realEstates.fcPnTargetSearch:realEstate: F6 F9
text.seconds: Sekunden
text.minutes: Minuten
text.hours: Stunden
text.days: Tage
realEstates.fcPnBcdUpload:basicClaimsData.upload: (binary)
readings.fcPnTimeWindowDetailed:timeWindow.detailed.timestamp.date: 2020-06-25
readings.fcPnTimeWindowDetailed:timeWindow.detailed.timestamp.time: 18:16
readings.fcPnOptClientTz:options.clientTimeZone: Europe/Berlin
realEstates.fcPnBcdUploadCharset:basicClaimsData.charset: Windows-1252
readings.fcPnOptCsvCharset:options.csvCharset: Windows-1252
realEstates.fcPnBcdUploadCache:basicClaimsData.cache: on
readings.fcPnOptRecords:options.mostCurrentRecords: on
The name of the second submit button within the same form:

While the button is properly reflected in the HTML, there's no hint to
it in the posted data or in the requested URL.

So how should adressing different "onSubmit"s work in generally? Does
the parent form encode hints in the requested URL? If so, what could
be the reason that it doesn't in my case?


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

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