The XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
Enterprise Manager 1.0 Milestone 3.

Go grab it at

This is the last XEM 1.0 milestone. RC1 and RC2 will follow.

The main modifications since XEM 1.0M2 are all XE 1.2 branch new
features as XEM 1.0M3 is now based on XE 1.2 Release Candidate 3.

Changes from 1.0 Milestone 3:

    * XAAM-28: Add authors field to applications descriptors.
    * XAAM-29: Add license field to applications descriptors.
    * XAWM-23: Separate wiki and wiki alias concepts.
    * XAWM-26: Add pretty name field to wikis decriptors.
    * XAWM-29: Add users or groups rights at wiki creation time.
    * XEM-78: Add default "xwiki" wiki descriptor.
    * XEM-65: Make Application Manager and Wiki Manager more easily accessible.

For more information see the Release notes at:

-The XWiki dev team
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