Hi Jeremie,

I'd advise you to upgrade to 1.2 or 1.2.1 (to be released today or tomorrow). We've fixed a number of issues with Lucene.


On Jan 28, 2008, at 3:29 PM, BOUSQUET Jeremie wrote:


I had some system problems with the server hosting my wiki, now solved, but now the Lucene plugin seems to be in an unstable state.

When first accessing xwiki I get a :

java.io.IOException: Lock obtain timed out: Lock@/opt/tomcat/temp/ lucene-dcdf99faa0a5827d2037245ccf529558-write.lock

I tried to stop tomcat, remove the index completely from /usr/local/ xwiki/lucene, deactivate the Lucene plugin from xwiki.cfg and restart, but it still fails the same way.

I tried to reactivate the Lucene plugin, but still the same error, and the index is not re-created, leading to various “FileNotFoundException” to occur …

I’m running on linux, with mysql and xwiki 1.1. The .lock file is accessible read/write, as well as the index folder …

How can I correct my Lucene plugin state ?


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