Thanks very much Sergiu, that worked!
I think, anyway, we will upgrade the wiki farm to a newer version soon.


Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> Vitantonio Messa wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I tried to upload a document (word, 5Mb) to a wiki page that already has 
>> several other attachments.
>> I got an error: attached there is the error message that XWiki report.
>> The wiki is part of a wiki farm, version 1.2.2.
>> Any idea what the problem can be?
> The problem is not in the attachments, but in the RCS versioning. There were 
> some problems there, 
> you could either upgrade the farm to a newer version, or you could try to 
> clean the history for that 
> document. Unfortunately, doing that from the wiki will not work because the 
> archive is already 
> broken, so you must do it the hard way: directly from the database. Execute 
> this: (mysql syntax)
> delete from xwikircs where xwr_docid in (select xwd_id from xwikidoc where 
> xwd_fullname = 
> 'Document.Name');
> (replace with your document's name)

Vitantonio Messa, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+358 46 889 48 49 - skype: vitantonio81
COSS - The Finnish Centre for Open Source Solutions
@ Technology Centre Hermia Ltd.
Hermiankatu 1, FIN-33720 Tampere, FINLAND

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