On Feb 4, 2009, at 1:24 PM, Jerome Velociter wrote:

> Hernández Cuchí wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would like to reduce the size of the comment/attachments/history/ 
>> Information footer.
>> As I've seen, I would like to have it as it is shown in the botton  
>> part of
>> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome
> That's easy: just downgrade to an older version of XWiki Enterprise (<
> 1.6) :P
> More seriously, an easy way you have to reduce the size of the footer
> without downgrading is to not load the initial content of the comment
> tab. You'll have all tabs links available, but no content under them  
> as
> long as you don't click one of the tab. To do this, you have to edit  
> the
> file docextra.vm under the templates/ directory in you webapp and
> comment or remove the following line at the end of the file :
>      Event.observe(window, "load", extraInit, false);

You can also use the content from XE 1.6 into your vm file (not sure  
which one should be changed).

Last you can disable any of the tabs if you don't want to see them.  
You can also make them appear on some conditions that you specify.

If other users want the old style we could probably offer different  
variations. At least we could make it available on the code zone  
explaining how to set it back to what it was.


> Hope this helps,
> Jerome.
>> I am using the toucan skin.
>> Thanks a lot for the help,
>> Francisco
>> --
>> Francisco Hernández Cuchí
>> mail: francisco.hernan...@oepm.es  
>> <mailto:francisco.hernan...@oepm.es>
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