Hi Guillaume,

thanx for the info. I think I will wait for 1.8 or try to hack me
something usable together if time admits.


On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 12:20 PM, Guillaume Lerouge <guilla...@xwiki.com> wrote:
> Hi Sebastian,
> we're currently working on a new, smoother, cleaner, leaner, better treeview
> implementation that will be used in the new WYSIWYG editor. Its vocation is
> lso to replace the current treeview tab on the Index page and to be used
> where needed in the wiki. Thus it will probably be made available through a
> panel as well.
> Thus my advice would be to wait a bit, til 1.8 goes out - if you can.
> Guillaume
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Sebastian Kannengiesser <
> sebastian.kannengies...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I found a code snippet on xwiki.org, that does a TreeNav feature, but
>> actually, this is not what I want. I would like to have the Treeview,
>> as on /XWiki/Treeview inside a panel. As a matter of fact, it seems
>> the code for Treeview does only work, when there is nothing else on
>> that page, so adding just a line of text in the beginning of the
>> XWiki/Treeview page seems to make the "+"-signs to open the
>> tree-structure unusable. Probably for the same reason, I did not
>> manage yet, to get it inside a panel. Do you have some ideas, what I
>> could do to get what I want?
>> Thanx,
>> Sebastian
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> --
> Guillaume Lerouge
> Product Manager - XWiki
> Skype ID : wikibc
> http://guillaumelerouge.com/
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