> Hi,
> I report again a trouble which has not received help (well, I'm sure it's a
> stupid trouble), but, really, I'm stocken with this XWiki behavior :
> The trouble : if, as Admin in "Administrator wiki", I insert for example 2
> users. I don't see them in the right category Users UI.
> The page tells "Display rows from 1 to 3 out of 3" (which is right) but the
> users and not displayed.
> Same beahevior with the Groups UI : "Display rows from 1 to 2 out of 2"
> (obviously XWikiAdminGroup and XWikiAllGroup), but the groups are not
> displayed.
> This is for a deployment of xwiki on Tomcat 5.5 and MySQL DB, because with
> the standalone deployment (Jetty and HSQLDB), I get the right behavior :
> groups and users are displayed.
> I checked my config as far as I can :
>   - in xwiki.cfg, I have the directive
> xwiki.users.initialGroups=XWiki.XWikiAllGroup
>   - I have imported the right xwiki.xar
>   - my hibernate parameters seem right
>   - my directory "templates" is same as xwiki standalone
> I made again several times full new deployments (DB, XWiki, parameters) and
> always the same behavior.

- What version of the mysql-connector are you using?
- Are there any javascript errors in the browser?
- Can you look with Firebug or LiveHTTPHeaders to see if the transfered 
JSON is the same between the two instances? If not, post here the 
- Are you using a custom/modified skin?

Sergiu Dumitriu
users mailing list

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