On Aug 15, 2009, at 8:48 AM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT  
Team wrote:

> Hi,
> Trevor wrote:
>> Hello,
>> 1. I am wondering if any users running XWiki on Tomcat 5.5 have set  
>> up a SecurityManager policy.  The documentation isn't really clear  
>> on this, other than "it's an issue" that may not be resolved.  The  
>> one "comment" on XWiki.org that has a security policy is close but  
>> not quite clear.  I couldn't figure out the part about Log4J.
>> - is a policy necessary?
>> - without one, are there any inherent security risks using XWiki/ 
>> Tomcat "out of the box"?
>> - what about Tomcat's default "users" and "roles"?
>> 2. Are there any security risks using the default "xwiki"  
>> installation location in webapps?  ie. if it's there and someone  
>> realizes you're running XWiki, couldn't they then direct their  
>> attacks specifically at MySQL / Tomcat / XWiki, looking for holes?   
>> I tried installing the WAR to a different location, and failed  
>> miserably.  Does it matter?
>> 3. Is anyone using XWiki over SSL?  Anything special we need to do  
>> for that, other than getting a certificate?
> Concerning this, please, Vincent, is this entry still valid?
> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/FAQ/HowDoIAddASecureSignonPage

I have no idea... :) This page was written by Ludovic a very long time  
ago (end 2006). However I think you can configure XWiki to run over  
SSL. At least I know that it's handled at some places in the code. But  
I don't know much about this.


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