Hi Vincent,

Vincent Gerris wrote:
> Hi Marius,
> On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 12:03 +0300, Marius Dumitru Florea wrote:
>> Vincent Gerris wrote:
>>> Hi Marius,
>>> On Tue, 2009-09-15 at 11:15 +0300, Marius Dumitru Florea wrote:
>>>> Hi Vincent,
>>>> Vincent Gerris wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> I have been struggling with lining out a table onder a numbering.
>>>>> For example, I have numbers 1-5 (in the referred to as 1.).
>>>>> When I create a table in the WYSIWYG editor, under lets say 2, at first
>>>>> sometimes this goes right, and the table is indented in the same way
>>>>> that text is (the expected behaviour).
>>>>> Sometimes when I change something on the page the table is suddenly no
>>>>> longer indented, resulting in the next number (3) changing to 1.
>>>> Your description is vague. Can you tell me the exact steps to reproduce 
>>>> the issue? What did you change on the page before the numbered list was 
>>>> broken? Also, what browser did you use?
>>> I use Firefox on Linux.
>>> Steps to reproduce:
>>> 1. Edit a page in WYSIWYG mode 
>>> 2. Create a number list of 3 items  by pressing the symbol (1,2,3).
>>> So I get 1. , input some text, then 2. appears, I input some text and
>>> press enter again.
>>> 3. I go back with the cursor to after 1. and the entered text and press
>>> SHIFT + ENTER, so the cursor moves to under the 1. , a bit indented.
>>> 4. Then I insert a table (2 by 2 for the test), which shows up at the
>>> place the cursor was.
>>> 5. I repeat this step for 2. , so that I have two tables, a bit indented
>>> under 1. and 2. .
>>> 6. Then I press the Show button (to view the page) and then already the
>>> tables lose there indention and the numbering changes: 2. and 3. changes
>>> to 1.
>> I followed this steps on XE 2.0 RC1 and I couldn't reproduce the issue. 
>> For two list items each with a 2x2 table I get this wiki syntax:
>> ----------8<----------
>> 1. abc(((|=1|=2
>> |3|4)))
>> 1. xyz(((|=5|=6
>> |7|8)))
>> ---------->8----------
>> Can you tell me what wiki syntax do you get? To do this, create the list 
>> and the tables in WYSIWYG mode and then switch to Wiki mode.

> This is my non-working wiki-syntax (it had no numbers filled in in the
> fields), I added ---- to mark the code part:

Yes, I added the numbers in the table cells.

> ------------------
> test tabel:
> 1. dsfsdf
> (((|= |= 
> | | 
> \\)))
> 1. sdfsdf
> (((|= |= 
> | )))
> 1. sdfsdf
> -------------------

Here's what I get, following your steps on XWiki Enterprise 
using the same content:

test tabel:

1. dsfsdf(((|= |=
| | )))
1. sdfsdf(((|= |=
| | )))
1. sdfsdf

As you can see, I get the right output.. There must be something else 
you did that broke the list otherwise I can't explain why we get 
different results.

> It seems the WYSIWYG changes some characters, an added \\ and a missing
> | ?
> When I continue in the WYSIWYG with your code, and do the same as
> described in the test case, I cannot reproduce the error.
> Code still seems OK:
> -------------------
> 8<
> 1. abc(((|=1|=2
> |3|4)))
> 1. xyz(((|=5|=6
> |7|8)))
> 1. test third number
> 1. (((|= 9|=10
> | 11| 12)))
> 1. (((|= |= 
> |)))
> 1. test sixth number
> 1. dfgdfg(((|= |= 
> | )))
> 1. dfgf(((|= |= 
> | )))
> 1. 
> ----
>> 8
> -------------------
> When I added another two test tables after that, I got:
> content: Exception while parsing HTML.
> (I have had that before when inserting tables by copy/paste from a Word
> -table.).
> After that the source and Wiki buttons do not work, and the page goes
> back to the WYSIWYG.
> The only way to fix it is a rollback to the previous version.
> Is there anything else I can do to pinpoint this problem?
>> Also, can you try my wiki syntax output? Edit a new page in Wiki mode, 
>> paste my wiki content then switch to WYSIWYG and back a few times. Is 
>> the list broken? Does the wiki content change when you come back to Wiki 
>> mode? In my case, switching to WYSIWYG and back to Wiki any number of 
>> time leaves the wiki content unchanged.

> When I use your Wiki syntax in the editor, this gives the proper result.

This also indicates that something else happens when you create the list 
with the tables in WYSIWYG mode.


>> Btw, you are using the new WYSIWYG editor, that comes with the XWiki 2.0 
>> syntax, right? (look at the Document Information panel in edit mode)
> I am using the new WYSIWYG indeed, the Document Info says XWiki 2.0 for
> Page Syntax.
>> Thanks,
>> Marius
>>> For further details, I attached a screenshot to clear things up further.
>>> Thank you for your quick response, please let me know if you need more
>>> details.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Vincent
>>>>> I have not been able to make the table indent again, nor have I been
>>>>> able to fix the numbering.
>>>>> I found a related issue on Jira, but it seems this did not fix the issue
>>>>> I encounter:
>>>>> http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-3090
>>>>> and :
>>>>> http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-3089
>>>> These issues don't seem to be related. They were requesting a way to 
>>>> place the caret before and after a table. In you case you complain that 
>>>> a numbered list containing a table is broken somehow, if I understood 
>>>> correctly.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Marius
>>>>> Has anyone else encountered this and does anyone know a fix?
>>>>> We are running Xwiki
>>>>> Any help is greatly appreciated.
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