Hi Thibaut,

Some useful Web Performance resources:
1) Steve Souders, /High Performance Web Sites: Essential Knowledge for 
Front-End Engineers/: 
Presentation of the 14 original rules upon which YSlow! was build on. 
Since then, a lot of new rules were added to YSlow! and Steve Souders 
moved from Yahoo! to Google and started working on Page Speed 
2) volume 2 /Even Faster Web Sites: Performance Best Practices for Web 
Developers/ by Steve Souders just came out: 
Another 14 rules and tips  which focus a mainly on Javascript 
optimization techniques.
3) http://www.stevesouders.com/blog/


Thibaut Camberlin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Page Loading time is a very important criteria when developing a web site.
> According to a recent
> survey<http://www.webdesignerwall.com/general/users-place-more-weight-on-design/>more
> than half people would drive away from a site with slow loading pages.
> There are several interesting issues that could be implemented to
> substantially improve page loading time in XWiki.
> Number one is aggreation of CSS and JS files in order to reduce HTTP
> requests. (For info, we have a total of 25 external CSS and JS files on a
> basic XWiki install when in the best world we would have just 2 - 1 CSS and
> 1 JS)
> Someone interrested in working on this with me ?

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