2010/4/28 Guillaume Lerouge <guilla...@xwiki.com>:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 20:15, Sergiu Dumitriu <ser...@xwiki.com> wrote:
>> On 04/28/2010 06:46 PM, Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
>> > I'm strongly against the way the treeview works right now. Nobody
>> > understands the mix of space and parent/child relationship. I'd KISS it,
>> > keeping only the space/page relationship.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle
>> One idea: ghost symlinks.
> "The KISS principle states that
> simplicity<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplicity>should be a key
> goal in
> design <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design>, and that unnecessary
> complexity should be avoided." Ghost symlinks?
> - how does the treeview thing work?
> - well, it's easy, just click the ghost symlink below that other page and
> the whole thing will start scrolling to get you somewhere different from
> where you were located
> - oh
>> [s] Main
>>     - [p] WebHome
>>     - [p^] /Blog . WebHome/
>>            - [p] Great news!
>>                  - [p] BigClient contract
>>                  - [p] BigClient project description
>>            - [p] More great news!
>> [s] Blog
>>     - [p] WebHome
>>           - [p] Meet Joe Dyke, our new CTO
>>           - [p^] /Main . Great news!/
>>           - [p^] /Main . More great news!/
>> [s] is the space icon, [p] is the page icon, [p^] is the page icon with
>> the shortcut overlay. The ghost documents are written in italic with a
>> lighter color, and clicking on such a symlink will show the real
>> document, by expanding the tree to it, scroll it into view (with
>> anymation), and select it.
>> Note that in the Main space the other children of the Blog.WebHome page
>> are not displayed, and in the Blog space the deeper hierarchy of the
>> external documents is not shown
>> WDYT?
>> Of course, this as a better UI for the alldocs/tree view; the export UI
>> should could keep just the space/docs two-level hierarchy.
> I think the same, simple, understandable, Space / Page hierarchy should be
> used everywhere.
> An alternative is what we do for WebDAV and provide 2 different interfaces:
> EITHER space/page OR parents/children but never a mix of both.

Or may be never follow symlinks.

Personally, I like the idea to show that one space I want to export
have dependencies on other space. With symlinks display I can decide
or not to add other space to my export.


> Guillaume
>> --
>> Sergiu Dumitriu
>> http://purl.org/net/sergiu/
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> --
> Guillaume Lerouge
> Product Manager - XWiki SAS
> Skype: wikibc
> Twitter: glerouge
> http://guillaumelerouge.com/
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