Hi Kaya,

Kaya Saman wrote:
> Has anyone ever performed a migration that could give me some advice on 
> how it's done and if what I asked about below is possible?
> I have checked out this:
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Backup
> which suggests to backup the database but doesn't give any clue to 
> Postgresql!
> Also is Xwiki content stored in a database or in the /webapps/xwiki 
> instance??
> So if I simply backed up and restored the database and copied the xwiki/ 
> dir across to a different platform the system should work?? Even if 
> going from Tomcat to Glassfish or so??

Yes, I think it is possible to perform a migration, even thought I've 
never done that. But, yes, I've moved XWiki installations from one 
server to the other without much difficulty. Provided both systems run 
the same XWiki release, the problems could only arise from the 
conversion of the Postgresql database to MySQL. I don't think the 
servlet container will do a difference once you adjust hibernate.cfg.xml 

A typical XWiki installation, whatever applications you install with it, 
is divided between file system contents and database contents. All file 
system contents are locate under /xwiki (though now it is possible to 
choose the name of its root directory or even call it root) in the 
applications folder of your servlet container. In the case of Tomcat, it 
is /webapps. Configuration files (two of them must be surely tweaked, 
xwiki.cfg and hibernate.cfg.xml) are at /webapps/WEB-INF.

Also, stored in the file system are the core libraries, plugins, skins, 
Velocity templates,... look at this...


I've only picked up the XWiki Platform's Architecture illustration from ...


... and added a box under the components always stored in the database. 
Note than each time more and more components and configuration settings 
are being moved to the database or, in the case of configuration 
settings, could be modified by values in properties of classes stored in 
the database.

Thus, by fully backing up your database and once converted to the system 
of your choice and by moving the concerned /webapps directory to the new 
servlet container, functioning must be restored with a minor number of 

Please, take into account that I've never moved XWiki installation 
across systems, only between boxes running the same servlet containers 
and relational database manager systems. Many times, different releases 
of those, but always the same products (MySQL and Tomcat here). I'm sure 
developers and/or more skilled users will correct this contents and add 
useful information.

Hope this helps!


Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems

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