Am 02.12.2010 17:01, schrieb Sergiu Dumitriu:
> On 12/02/2010 04:52 PM, markblokpoel wrote:
>> Hi Werner,
>> Thank you very much for your quick reply, it helped us one step further but
>> I'm afraid we are still having a problem. This is my configuration:
>> (sites-enabled for apache2)
>> <VirtualHost *:80>
>>       [...]
>>       ServerName
>>       <Proxy *>
>>        AddDefaultCharset Off
>>        Order deny,allow
>>        Allow from all
>>      </Proxy>
>>       ProxyPass /xwiki http://localhost:8080/xwiki/
>>       ProxyPassReverse /xwiki http://localhost:8080/xwiki/
>> </VirtualHost>
> The problem might be that the source URL doesn't have a trailing / while
> the destination URL does. Try this:
>       ProxyPreserveHost On
>       ProxyPass /xwiki ajp://localhost:8009/xwiki
>       ProxyPassReverse /xwiki ajp://localhost:8009/xwiki

I can confirm that, I'm running it just like that without the trailing /.

>> (server.xml for tomcat6)
>> <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
>>              connectionTimeout="20000"
>>              URIEncoding="UTF-8"
>>              redirectPort="8443"
>>              proxyName=""
>>              proxyPort="80" />
>> We also tried this with AJP on port 8009 with a corresponding connector
>> without success: we still get the recursive redirection on the login page.
>> We have the feeling that the connector works, because it rewrites the URL
>> from to
>> It looks like that somehow the
>> Servlet wrongly judges the url generated by the login button invalid and
>> redirect to the same login page.
>> To reproduce the bug you can try visiting the url
>> and click the login button.
>> We hope you can shed some light on this. Thank you very much.
>> Best,
>> Mark

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